A bit of Python and some nice arguments
I really don't use scripting languages on a regular basis but I do like to use the right tool for a job. Or at least recognize that technologies with which we are most familiar are not always the best choice for any given use. Python is not a difficult language. I have heard for years that it's the new Perl which I find funny because of those I know using Perl, I have yet to learn of one contemplating a switch to Python. Depending on what you read, Google seems to like Python. At least enough to create some course materia l and a whole lot of examples for their various efforts. It's been a good while since I looked at Python but it only took a short time today to write a simple script to call a REST service (as well it should). Finding a nice little library, I chose argparse , for the command line parameter processing ultimately required the most time (probably an hour after spending a lot less on the actual need). This wa...