Raspberry Pi, motion, more Python, and stuff

Things have been a little busy for me lately on many fronts. There are a variety of projects at work which have my attention and this seems to be a time of year when things pick up before we head into the summer months. I have however been able to work a bit more with my Raspberry Pi lately and the power of the little guy continues to amaze me. I decided to give motion a try along with, at least for now, one ip camera. Before I get into motion on the Pi I must say I wonder how this package escaped my radar for as long as it did. I have over the years written a few programs which detect motion by comparing images and I have looked at the work of others but somehow I missed motion. The first thing I noticed about motion once it was up and running was the very nice CPU utilization given the capture/comparison loop. Motion works out of the box and while that should be the norm, the bottom line is that some software which has not yet approached mainstr...