Complex JAX-RS
Working with JAX-RS to create a REST web service, I recently had the need to accept a List of a complex type as a parameter. I was not able to find a complete example but I did read some Jersey documentation which I had not looked at in quite some time. I read the Jersey Parameter Annotations section.
The issue I was running into was the lack of a constructor for the complex type I wanted to pass in a list as a parameter to a REST web service method. The documentation made me realize that I did not have a constructor which accepted a single String parameter from which an instance could be properly created.
I also had some trouble with JSON marshalling/unmarshalling. This may be a topic for another time but for now I solved it using the ObjectMapper from Jackson.
Ultimately I put a trivial demo app together which is available here. The application was created using NetBeans 7.4 as a maven web app to run on Glassfish 4.0 for convenience.
I hope this is of help to someone.
Happy coding,
The issue I was running into was the lack of a constructor for the complex type I wanted to pass in a list as a parameter to a REST web service method. The documentation made me realize that I did not have a constructor which accepted a single String parameter from which an instance could be properly created.
I also had some trouble with JSON marshalling/unmarshalling. This may be a topic for another time but for now I solved it using the ObjectMapper from Jackson.
Ultimately I put a trivial demo app together which is available here. The application was created using NetBeans 7.4 as a maven web app to run on Glassfish 4.0 for convenience.
I hope this is of help to someone.
Happy coding,