Glassfish JNDI settings
Recently we had the need to add some configurable settings (such as user credentials) in a Java EE 7 application running on Glassfish 4.0.
An example method to read the values might look like this:
private String getUserProperty(String property) {
String result = "";
Properties properties;
try {
InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
properties = (Properties) context.lookup("jndi/userinfo");
result = properties.getProperty(property);
} catch (NamingException e) {
return result;
Setting the values via the Glassfish console is achieved via Resources -> JNDI -> Custom Resources. Then clicking the New button will allow the new JNDI resource to be added. Here we are using a java.util.Properties type so that we can add name/value pairs as needed below.
Then, for example, to get the username, we might do this:
String username = getUserProperty("username");
The code should be cleaned up a bit (handle exception, add constants, etc.) but hopefully it illustrates the point.