NetBeans 7.4 recent projects
Recently I had the need to remove one project from my recent projects list in NetBeans. The problem was I had opened a very large project which was causing the
I found a few references to where one might find the file which contains the recent project list for older versions of NetBeans but they seemed to be a little dated.
The file I wanted to find and edit is called
I happen to be on a Mac so that file could be found here:
~//Library/Application Support/NetBeans/7.4/config/Preferences/org/netbeans/modules
I opened the file with a text editor and looked for the project name in the openProjectsDisplayNames entries. Each of the entries include a dot followed by a number at the end to make them unique. Once I found it, I noted the number and deleted that line.
Next I removed the corresponding entries in the openProjectsIcons and openProjectsURLs sections as well.
I have a couple of brute-force suggestions to remove the entire config directory structure (which I have done for other NetBeans issues) but this particular issue was worth a bit more precision.